Assistive Technology Tools:
- Dolphin: SuperNova Magnifier and SuperNova Magnifier & Screen Reader
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Last updated: 14/03/2024
The website has been designed, written and developed with consideration for the needs of people who are visually impaired, have a neurodiversity – such as dyslexia – or are disabled in other ways.
We have also studied and implemented best-practice advice on website accessibility, along with international guidance.
Dolphin is committed to ensuring everyone can access and use our website on multiple devices. This includes people who are blind or partially sighted, as well as people with hearing, mobility or cognitive impairments.
If you have any comments about the accessibility of the Dolphin website, or suggestions which might make it more accessible, we would be really interested to hear them. Please get in touch with us at to discuss.
The Dolphin web team is committed to designing, testing and developing all content on the Dolphin website to Website Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, with level A and AA compliance, with AAA compliance where possible.
We have achieved this by designing, developing and testing all new images, graphics and written content on the Dolphin website to the WCAG 2.1 checkpoints. We make these changes to ensure we meet the new WCAG success criteria.
Our site also undergoes comprehensive testing in house and by user groups. It is tested by a range of people, including people who are blind, partially sighted and sighted.
Dolphin checks the accessibility of the website against checkpoints taken from the technical standard Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG). These are published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). We test using this standard to ensure that we’re meeting their responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 and the EU Web Accessibility Directive.
Dolphin continues to make improvements to the accessibility and usability of its website. This includes the Dolphin blog, training pages and knowledge base. If content is provided by third parties, we advise them on website accessibility and make amendments where possible to ensure it meets our accessibility standards.
We do our best to ensure our website is tested with a wide range of technologies. Though we appreciate we cannot commit to testing every browser version on every version of assistive technology, nor testing on every operating system version or mobile handset type.
We have concentrated testing on recent technology and popular assistive technologies. As we understand that newer versions of technology provides the very best accessibility support.
We test our website accessibility on:
Assistive Technology Tools:
Website Browsers:
Each image on the Dolphin website has an Alt Tag to describe its content. As standard, we describe all images on the Dolphin website in simple terms, so that it provides a complete experience of the website content for visually impaired visitors who use a screen reader.
Images on the Dolphin website do not usually contain a link. Any links to an internal or external web page are written in clear calls to action below or adjacent to images.
Where possible, we use images of real people using Dolphin products, there are also stock images throughout the website. We take care to ensure that we have a diverse range of individuals pictured throughout the site, so that a wide range of people are represented, to reflect our diverse customer base.
We aim to show images of people with visual impairments on our website and in our marketing material. However, we acknowledge that as we often use stock images, not all the models promoting Dolphin software are visually impaired.
Dolphin is committed to improving representation in images and we are continuously working to review and update our imagery in all digital and print material we produce. Dolphin recognises and recommends the British Disability Forum’s “change the image of disability” campaign - which aims to improve perceptions of disability, increase representation of disabled people and increase awareness of the diversity of disabled people - to create a more authentic and realistic view of disability.
All graphics and icons on the Dolphin website have been designed using colours listed as accessible by the WCAG Accessibility Guidelines. Some graphics and icons have been ARIA hidden to enable screen reader users to have an easier navigation experience. All graphics used aim to give a clear indication of their purpose or subject without conveying key information.
The colour scheme on the Dolphin website has been extensively researched and we only choose colours which are considered accessible for people with visual impairments. These colours have been tested on a variety of monitors and across different browsers and devices. We also consider how the background colour affects the accessibilty of the text colour, and have amended our colour schemes accordingly.
The spacing around images has also been carefully considered and designed so that there is plenty of negative space. This can make navigation easier, and can help avoid sensory overload or confusion.
Where possible, written content on the Dolphin website is constructed to be easy to read and understand, using plain English. We use the Hemingway App to help with this. We always aim for Grade 9 readability, as this is considered the most accessible.
We write with consideration for a range of neurodiverse conditions. This means we always aim to use clear descriptions in content and for navigation. We also try to avoid metaphors which might be confusing.
On the Dolphin website, written text is set in Trebuchet MS font in size 16px, in a dark grey colour. These are all chosen to meet WCAG accessibility guidelines. Headings and sub-headings are set in larger sizes in an accessible ‘Dolphin blue’ colour which is also accessible on the web. This blue is also used to indicate hyperlinks which navigate or take you through to other pages on the website.
Where a pale grey background is used, we do not use the Dolphin blue hyperlinks.
It is possible to navigate the Dolphin website in a number of ways. We have a clear ‘mega menu’ which visitors can navigate using the mouse or keyboard to find their way. To reach the home page, visitors can click the Dolphin logo at the top left of any Dolphin website page, or use key links in the footer of the website.
A ‘breadcrumb’ trail of page levels can be found under the menu bar to advise the user of the section and page they are visiting. These can be clicked to navigate back to previous pages.
Signposts to other pages throughout the website are clearly marked as buttons and links. These are all in accessible colours, with appropriate text. They should give a clear indication of the next step in the visitor’s journey through the website.
Website URLs are written to clearly indicate the content of the page, with care taken to use ‘camel case’ where possible, as this helps screen reader users understand words that are grouped together.
We structure our pages using the appropriate Heading Tags throughout each page. This makes it easier to navigate and skim read for screen reader users. This also provides a clear indication of what each section includes, so visitors can identify where to find further information.
We work very hard to continuously assess and improve the accessibility and usability of all our systems and services.
We are ISO 9001 accredited which means we have systems in place constantly deliver high-quality products and services for our clients and customers. This includes sales and support on the Dolphin website.
If you experience any accessibility issues while using our website, please let us know by emailing
We will do our best to address your comments and observations to improve your experience.