All Dolphin Products
Explore the full range of Dolphin software products and packages.
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Magnification and screen reading you can rely on
In education. At work. At home.
SuperNova Professional
Assistive tech for businesses to deploy on local machines, for individuals at work.
SuperNova Enterprise
Assistive tech for organisations to deploy remotely across networks and estates. Citrix Ready® for hybrid working.
Connect & Learn
An education-ready hardware and software kit that enables independent learning in class and at home.
User-friendly tech for people with sight loss
Stay independent, connected and entertained.
Maintain independence at home with easy to use software for people with sight loss.
GuideConnectGuideConnect Packages
GuideConnect software on a Windows tablet, laptop or desktop computer.
GuideConnect PackagesOpen a world of accessible books
A range of accessible reading products and services for personal, educational and organisational needs.
EasyReader App
Free accessible reading app for people with visual impairments or dyslexia. Read books from over 40 accessible libraries.
EasyReader AppEasyReader Premium
For education. Additional features enable students of all ages to read anywhere and learn anywhere.
EasyReader PremiumPowered by EasyReader
For Talking Book Libraries. Build a reading app with accessibility features.
Powered by EasyReaderEasyReader Development Kit
For Assistive Tech Developers. Embed proven accessibility features and access libraries.
EasyReader Development KitDolphin Kiosks
Making your kiosks accessibile
Expertise and software to ensure your kiosks meet accessibility guidelines.
Dolphin Kiosks ensure accessibility for customers with visual or print impairments.
EasyConverter Express
Quickly convert documents into accessible formats
In just three clicks, you can convert Microsoft Word documents to make braille, large print, MP3 and ePub versions.
Dolphin ScreenReader
Powerful screen reader for Windows computers
Fast and reliable access to on-screen information with intelligent speech and braille, for people who are blind.
The best narration tool for digital talking books
Specialist software to record, create and edit accessible audio books and talking books.
Dolphin Software Improves Accessibility